New techniques in medicine will allow you to get rid of the the dead, of the vessels of the lower limbs, virtually painless procedure with little harm. In the surgery of varicose veins with laser is an effective alternative to surgical treatment. In these types of cases is given via the intravenous blood-clotting? The reasons for the implementation of the operation, it is not just a little bit more, and they can be pre-formed as a treatment:

- varicose veins of the extension, from which they were taken by surprise by the large and important to the life of the vessel;
- the severity of the swelling of the lower limbs, which are not suitable for other methods of treatment;
- the skin covering the detected changes in trophic;
- the lower body is covered in sores, that does not invalidate the medication to the site of the exhibition.
How is the operation? The surgeon, in front of the victim's of the boat makes the cut, and brings a tip of a test with a laser in the tip. The laser is the glue of the affected vessel, after which it is made, the next wound and continued to recover from blood. The disease is characterized by lesions in the blood vessels of the lower extremities as a result of what happens to a sharp disturbance of the circulation of the blood. Varicose veins dangerous in the fact that it creates all the conditions for the development of a thrombo-phlebitis of the inferior vena cava. This sort of complications usually lead to the appearance of the long lasting and the healing of trophic ulcers. Not a serious threat to the health of the patient is cut off from the vascular wall, a blood clot, often times it can be a major cause of heart attack, stroke, thromboembolic syndrome. Mainly, this is a fact and it leads to the sufferer to think that he needed an operation to remove the varicose veins in the legs.
But some patients are ignorant of the consequences of a serious, and would prefer not to perceive the symptoms of the disease. Varicose veins of the lower limbs is a complex and long-term) downstream of the pathology, leading to the appearance of severity, and pain in the limbs. Is not always interactions with methods of treatment to bring about the expected result, that is why it is necessary to resort to surgery. They are particularly important for measures that drastic, if you have trophic ulcers, which can lead to extremely serious consequences, including the membership of the infection. The removal of the varicose veins legs is performed only if the execution of a form of the disease. Driving directions:

- the extension of the lumen of the vessel, above the normal
- the formation of blood clots;
- conclusive treatment for the disease, the medications, and the popular media;
- impairment of the circulation of the blood.
- the pain in his legs and a constant feeling of fatigue.
The operation was performed, and the aesthetics of the reading, when the wife doesn't like the look of your legs. The surgical treatment of the expansion of the lumen of the vessels is carried out in many different ways. The choice of the method depends on the state of the organism, the stage of the disease and the other issues of the illness, which may make the indications and contra-indications. For example, a properly chosen method of treatment, it can lead to dangerous complications, diabetes mellitus, acute infection and in immunodeficient states.
Sclerotherapy is the introduction into the lumen of the vessel is a tube, through which a drug is able to cut-and-paste the venous wall. This process is carried out with the application of a local anesthetic. After the procedure, the vessel sklerosiruta, and for the blood to stop. Immediately after the surgery is shown to be wearing the tightening of bandages, which help to maintain the results. Phlebectomy is a surgery designed to remove the pathologically altered blood vessels. To this end, they use a variety of ways.
- By pulling it through a small puncture in the application of the hook.
- The removal of a fragment of the affected area with the help of the thumbnails of the cuts.
- Agreed. To engage in the combination of both the methods and the laser treatment.

Phlebectomy is a surgery designed to remove the pathologically altered blood vessels. Prior to the start of the operation, the doctor passes an ultrasound scan of the arteries. The ultrasound helps to differentiate the site of lesion, and in healthy portions. Laser coagulation (treatment of varicose veins, the laser is the most effective way. The procedure is safe and minimally invasive procedure. By making a small puncture in the patient, then the vessel is introduced to a fine new release, which includes a laser with the wavelength of the desired frequency. When this occurs, the heating is in the area of impact. With the result that the walls of the veins of soldiers, and that has always solved the problem. The application of the laser, the technique that gives the smallest number of recurrences. The operation was performed, even in severe cases, and, at the head of the surgical removal on the quantity and quality of outcomes.
The tightening of
Harden can fill up a pot of medicinal substance, which prevents the current of the blood, and helps to reduce the diameter of pathologic area. In this case, you apply the 2 drugs sclerosant, and the like. The first one is a medicinal substance to glue to the wall of the vein, and the second one only fills in the extended area, causing it to jam. Both of these types of drugs injected through a small puncture. Exact location of a problem area, you can find out by using duplex scan. Harden can fill up a pot of medicinal substance, which prevents the current of the blood, and helps to reduce the diameter of pathologic area.
The shelling is carried out with the help of a small tube that is inserted through a small incision, and then paste in the bc phase, the vessel is then pulled over the surface, and is removed. The other type of operation, cryotrapping. At the time of intervention into the vein, injection of nitrogen and oxygen in the liquid, which leads to the affected area, the level of degradation and makes them non-functional. The process takes about 40 minutes. His passing, as under general anaesthesia and with the use of a local anesthetic.

The preparation includes the observance of the mandatory rules, which entail the following:
- The cost of a blood test in order to determine the overall health of the body. For the procedure to go in with an empty stomach for a couple of days before the surgery.
- An x-ray study of the chest. It is necessary for the elimination of tuberculosis (tb).
- The search for a blood in the presence of HIV infection, which may result in damage to the complications after the operation.
- The refusal of food intake for 6 hours prior to surgery. Such a rule would be only in the case in which the operation is performed under general anesthesia.
- A cleansing enema is ideal. This also applies when the impossibility of the removal of the vein with the use of a local anesthetic.
Must, necessarily, be prior to the operation, inform your doctor of the presence of a response in the event of an allergic reaction to some medication, the the the substance.
How do you do the operation
Depending on the nature of the intervention, if it applies to your operation. When sclerotherapy involves the following steps:
- The patient is taking the required posture based on the location of the victim to the boat.
- The doctor produces a local analgesia using injection introduction of Novocaine.
- Over a long needle that is made of a puncture. The syringe is inserted to the desired depth. So there is the injection of the drug. Soon after, the venous walls are starting to get it together. And it is only in such a place, where you are in the area, pathological.
- An expert enforces a tight for sale, and send the patient home.

When sclerotherapy with a long needle for a puncture, and is then injected with the drug, the adhesive, the walls of the blood vessels. Phlebectomy involves a more invasive operation. If the number of pathologically-changed on the big screen, and then to apply the technique, which involves 2-3 of the court. If you have a small piece and use a small hook. The operation can be performed collectively and the time for the local anesthetic. In the first place, it is done with the antiseptic treatment of the members. After that, the area that is affected, in vienna, and remove and exclude, if necessary, by the laying on of the seams. Laser coagulation is carried out also in the general or local anesthesia. After the sensitive member is dealing with a non-septic (most of the time it's Free), and by means of a small hole, slow to promote, or a fine release, which emits a laser beam. By reaching out to the issue of focus, the light guide, it melts the wall of the vessel, under the action of heat. As a result, the vessel sealed and the decrease of the diameter. The age hardening similar to the procedure of sclerotherapy. But in the first case, the use of many different substances, depending on the nature of the problem. Link to the vienna, and the drug is introduced through the needle, and the application of local analgesia. The control, the manipulation, the doctor carries out a monitoring process on the display screen of the monitor. The operation takes no more than 30 to 40 minutes.
Stripping involves a small incision or a puncture. It all depends on the extent of the injury. Stripping involves a small incision or a puncture. It all depends on the extent of the injury. The tube is going up in the area, pathological, weld it up, then, the physician squeezes the tool and pulls it to the affected area of the vessel at the surface of the skin. With the modified plot has been removed. When you need to overlap the seams. The removal of varicose veins that is performed by a surgeon, under the control of the process to the ultrasonic drive. Rehabilitation continues at 6 months. At this time it is forbidden to pick up the things that weight more than 8 kg. In the first of the month, you will have to use the mesh for the compression for the regulation of the functioning of the venous system, and the prevention of complications. To the extent that the recovery of the shows, therapeutic exercise, swimming, active walking, and the Dr.'s Need to keep up with the mass of the body. Possible complications: relapse, bruising, discomfort, scarring alterations of the skin, with a few of us. The most common one is considered to be a consequence of the pain that may be present within 1 to 2 months.
The indications for the removal of the veins

Operating in the interference with varicose veins, it can only be used if there is an indication for removal of the blood vessels:
- varicose veins change was the biggest part of vienna.
- strong the pain and swelling of the feet during exercise, which may prevent you from leading a normal life;
- the formation of open sores and ulcers on the background of the development of the disease. A dangerous attachment of a secondary infection;
- the violation of the passage of the blood through the blood vessels, often accompanied by cramping;
- conveys the the development of necrosis of the blood vessel;
- a change of pathology of the vein, accompanied by the extension and the protrusion. The changes to the dangerous trauma to the vessel, as well as the delivery of the aesthetics of the discomfort;
- the formation of blood clots in veins.
When the transportation of the child, it can also be celebrated in violation of the state-of-the veins in the legs. More in a condition to solve the problem on your own after delivery. If there are no contraindications to the use of operational harmful interference, deterioration in the health status of the patient, and even life-threatening. After the removal of the vein in a surgical or laser method, there is a risk of development of complications. Yes, it can be due to the low professional qualifications, or due to a breach of the rules, during the period of rehabilitation. Possible complications when to phlebectomy, and endovenous coagulation. The operation of removal of the veins in the legs when varicose veins can cause some side effects. Sometimes this manifests itself in the form of bruises. During the course of both of these operations, you can develop a reaction to in the event of an allergic reaction to the anesthetic drugs. The operation of removal of the veins in the legs, when, varicose veins, and is sometimes accompanied by the development of complications and to avoid them in the first place it is necessary to:
- to carry out performance test on a reaction, in the case of an allergic reaction to the medication used;
- with the exception of the infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, prior to the start of the operation.
- choose a proven clinics with highly trained professionals and state of the art equipment;
- the rules on the recovery period. Especially wearing a compression garment;
- to comply with the diet during the period of recovery (discussed in the specialist following the procedure. In the diet, increasing the amount of clean drinking water, ingestion of food that is produced in small amounts in the feed, enriched with vitamins and minerals;
- take a vacation at his feet, and in the course of work;
- the completion of the inspection, after the operation, in order to monitor the dynamics of the recovery of the members.
- to perform the massage and to visit physical therapy for the quick recovery of the circulation of the blood.

If deviation is detected invalid after this operation it is necessary to directly on the body. The removal of the varicose veins in the legs, you can go for a surgery for free at the public facilities. However, these operations are not carried out in every city, and you have to wait in long lines in a couple of months. When the operation of the pass-through cost for private clinics range in price, depending on the method of qualification of a specialist and indirect costs in the west and north-west africa. When the run-of-ways, removal of the vessels is carried out by means of an intervention. The method of treatment depends not only on the desire of the patient, but also by the presence of the indications and contra-indications to the procedure. The effectiveness of the therapy depends on the qualifications of the doctor, and the enforcement of rules for the protection of the foot after the operation.The cost is added to the price, at the advice of a specialist and an ULTRASOUND control. Varicose veins, whether it's therapy, a conservative, is only at an early stage in the development of the disease.
It is a disease that is highly young in our time. This is due to a lifestyle of sedentary, (although the constant in the feet that can lead to the onset of the disease), the movement is only in a transport, in excess of the weight of the environmental situation in the world, is a generic predisposition to diseases of the blood, and a t. d. in the initial stage of varicose veins, good offers conservative forms of treatment. But, if the disease was already far away, and it continues to make steady progress, then you need to consider the operational way of solving the problem of health ,or someone near to you. It is true the possession of a qualified surgeon, the operation is the removal of the vienna-this is a guarantee for a complete cure to the suffocating ISMtyuusha the disease. Today, such operations are carried out by highly-qualified therapists at the health centres, all of which are equipped with the most modern equipment, and do not present a risk to the life or health of the patient.